Here are short messages to use to introduce Smart Guess to your team.

Copy, paste, and Share on Slack or with an email.

You make decisions about apps your team is using

Hi team,

Next time we run story estimation, let's try this app and see how it works. The app works directly from the Jira- issue, and backlog. Allows for one-click estimates and requires no set-up.

Here is what you need to know:

  • You can only see team-member estimates when you have first selected your own. Learn more.

  • Key actions such as selecting- or sharing estimates work in real-time and show who acted.

Here is how you open it:

When you try, you will get it!

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You are a team member in your team

Hi team,

Next time we run story estimation, let’s try out this app to move faster. The app works directly from the Jira- issue, and backlog. One-click estimates and no set-up.

Here is what you need to know:

  • You can only see team-member estimates when you have first selected your own. Learn more.

  • Key actions such as selecting- or sharing estimates work in real-time and show who acted.

Here is how you open it:

When you try, you will get it!

Learn more on